Think about it, when someone has been on a podcast, you almost always see them post about being on a podcast throughout their social media channels. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, you name it, they always shout out about them being interviewed. How many times do you hear about that specific interview after the initial post about being interviewed and then posting it again when it has been published and the interview is live? Chances are, you've never heard about it again. And this is where the problem is.

From my experience, podcast interviews are riddled with incredible snippets of gold. But normally, those pieces of content are mixed in between off topic conversations and self promotion. So these valuable nuggets of wisdom can be easily missed or not heard at all. This is where the importance of repurposing your podcast interviews comes into play.

Repurposing your content has never been easier and more important than it is today. If you are a guest on a podcast, it is your duty to squeeze every ounce of value that you can out of that one interview. You have personally taken the time, the energy and the resources to make the interview happen, why not get all that you can out of it?

What is Repurposing Podcast Content?

Repurposing podcast content involves transforming podcast episodes into various formats, such as blog posts, YouTube videos, and social media posts. Repurposing podcast content can extend the range of potential listeners and increase the value of your content.

Why Repurpose Your Podcast Content?

Repurposing your podcast content can provide you with several benefits, including:

  • Reaching a wider audience: By turning your podcast episodes into different forms of content, you can reach people who may not have found your podcast otherwise.
  • Increased visibility: Creating new forms of content can help you get more visibility on search engines and social platforms.
  • Improved SEO rankings (Search Engine Optimization): By creating more content, you can improve your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your website.
  • More value from your content: By repurposing your podcast content, you can get more value out of the time and effort you put into creating your podcast.

Identifying Podcast Episodes for Repurposing

In order to properly identify podcast episodes to repurpose, it is important to find ways to keep content fresh and engaging for your viewers. This includes doing research on the topics addressed in the current podcast episodes and finding new angles or additional updates that can be explored via content repurposing. It also means looking outside of your own podcast for interesting content ideas. Consider creating special episode series or combining two different episodes into a single one in order to create something unexpected and fresh.

As podcasts have a finite reach, there are certain limitations when it comes to accepting audio as a form of content. If a listener has already heard an episode several times, they may not be interested in hearing that material again unless they view it as offering them relevant and interesting insights. With this in mind, it is important to be strategic when selecting existing podcast episodes for repurposing so as not to overwhelm your subscribers with recycled content. Carefully select episodes that are still topical, offer valuable insights, or provide value-based information even though they have been discussed multiple times before.

Here are 8 ways you can repurpose your podcast interviews to make them go further and to get more out of them:

Alternatively, you can partner with a skilled content editor who specialises in repurposing podcast episodes to do it for you - saving hours of time, energy and frustration (if you're new to the content repurposing process).

1. Turn them into short mini audio clips for social media content

Video has exploded on social media over the last 5 years. YouTube alone has over a billion hours watched every single day. So it's safe to say that video isn't going anywhere. If anything, it's becoming more important to utilize video across your entire business.

If you are being interviewed on a video podcast, then I'd suggest making short mini clips out of that interview. From my experience with running my own video editing business, I can confidently tell you that you can easily get 5 solid videos from a 30-45 minute interview, depending on what your needs are and what platforms you like to post on.

The one thing you have to remember though, every social media platform has different size requirements and length of video parameters. So depending on the platforms that you use, will depend on the length and size of your video!

2. Turn them into audiograms for social media

Similarly to taking short sections of the interview and turning them into videos, you can do the same thing with an audio only interview. Take that audio file and put it into an eye-catching designed template and add in a few more engaging elements like subtitles, headlines, and animated waveforms and you have yourself an audiogram that can be used to promote the entire episode or provide value to your audience while it's aesthetically pleasing to look at.

3. Take your best quotes and turn them into quote images

Unless you've been under a rock for the last 7-10 years, quote images have taken the internet by storm! If you don't believe me, open up your favorite social media platform or Google the word “quotes” and look at the static images that pop up. You will see an endless amount of quote images from all over the world.

So what does this mean for you? You can take your best quotes from the interview and turn them into your own personal or company branded quote images. This strategy gives you more value to put out to your audience and also allows you to expand on that specific quote in the caption section. One liners can be very effective, so don't forget to grab the best ones from your interview.

4. Summarise the points and turn into an article for your blog

The first 3 points of this article are the most popular ways to repurpose your podcast interviews. Now we are getting into the strategies that are not used nearly as much.

What do I mean by summarising the points and turning it into an article? Say you have a 45 minutes podcast interview about the coaching industry. In this interview you cover things like how to grow your coaching business, what coaches should be doing on social media, the mindset you need to have to be a highly paid coach, etc.

Take those main points that you feel are most important for coaches and turn that into an article. You could call it “What all coaches need to know in this day and age”. In that article, you summarise several of those points from the interview, expand on the points a little bit more and then you have your weekly blog article done and dusted. Not only does this help you provide more value to your audience, it also stops you from spending too much time pondering on what you are going to write your next blog about.

5. Transcribe an important section and use it for your email list

I've worked with a handful of coaches from all walks of life and a lot of them had sizable email lists. The problem that most of them had though, was they didn't have a great strategy to nurture that email list. Instead, they always used it to either sell a product or service or promote something that they were doing.

Well, here's a strategy you can use right now to nurture your email list and provide them with the value that they deserve.

Grab your latest podcast interview and go through and transcribe a short piece of content. So let's use the example above with the coaching interview. For instance, take that small piece you said about the mindset you need to be a highly paid coach and transcribe it. Once you've done that, go through it and make it presentable. Fix the spelling and grammar, fix the spacing and take out the bits that don't belong. Now, you can take that final version of the transcription and put it into your weekly email that you send out, which is providing even more value to people that have signed up!

6. Turn your episodes into YouTube videos

You can also turn your podcast audio episodes into YouTube videos by adding visuals to your audio content. This can include creating a slideshow of images or recording a video of yourself discussing the topic of your episode. Publishing your episodes on YouTube can help you reach a wider audience and improve your search engine rankings.

7. Create a lead magnet

Another way to repurpose your podcast content is to create a lead magnet. This can include offering a free download of a PDF guide or checklist that relates to the topic of your episode. This can help you build your email list and generate leads for your business.

8. Create an infographic

Creating an infographic that summarises the key points from your podcast episode is a way to diversify your content. Infographics are highly shareable and can help you reach a wider audience on social media. They can also improve your website's SEO by generating backlinks and driving more traffic to your site.

Gone are the days where a podcast interview is simply left as just an interview only. Now you have the tools, resources and companies that offer services to help repurpose your podcast interviews into their own standout content pieces. Remember, your own personal time and resources were used for the interview, make sure to leverage every single thing you can from it and get the most bang for your buck.

Alternatively, you can partner with a skilled content editor who specialises in repurposing podcast episodes to do it for you - saving hours of time, energy and frustration (if you're new to the content repurposing process).